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Welcome to Mobile Atlas Creator Wiki
Mobile Atlas Creator (formerly known as TrekBuddy Atlas Creator) is an open source (GPL) program which creates offline atlases for GPS handhelds and cell phone applications like TrekBuddy, AndNav and other Android and WindowsCE based applications. For the complete list of supported formats please see the Atlas formats page. It gives an short overview of the different formats.
This is the project wiki - for an general overview on the project please visit the Mobile Atlas Creator Web Pages.
There is currently not much content available. A description of Mobile Atlas Creator (MOBAC) it's features and requirements can be found on the project's web page.
If you want to develop new map sources and your are not completely unfamiliar with programming languages please take a look on the Map Evaluator subproject.
How to use Mobile Atlas Creator
Although Mobile Atlas Creator has been developed with an focus on easy usability - the number of features, atlas output formats and therefore the complexity has increased during the last versions.
- AlpineQuestMap atlas format
- AndNav atlas format
- CacheBox (PACK)
- CacheWolf (WFL)
- OruxMaps
- OSMTracker tile storage
- OziExplorer (PNG & MAP)
- Glopus (PNG & KAL)
- Garmin Custom Map (KMZ)
- Magellan (RMP)
- Maverick atlas format
- Mobile Trail Explorer
- QLandkarteGT / GeoTiff (PNG & GPC)
- RMaps SQLite
- Touratech QV
- TrekBuddy tared/untared atlas
Custom Map Sources
- Custom XML Map Sources
- Some example scripts of BeanShellMapSources
- Local Map Sources (tiles from file-system)